
Tuesday, July 23, 2013

DIY Garden Labels


Another garden DIY for you! When planting my garden this year, I went on a quest to find some garden labels. I was astonished by the lack of pretty options! I even went to several specialty garden shops. So, naturally I decided to create my own.

  • wooden rounds with a 1 1/2 to 2 inch diameter*
  • drill
  • paint (again, I used my $1 mint-coloured mistint jar)
  • paintbrush
  • fine-point Sharpie
  • Mod Podge or other sealer
  • 12 gauge wire or larger (coat hangers work too!)
*I couldn't find any cheap wooden rounds, so I made my own by sawing 1/2 inch slices off a tree stick and giving them a quick sand

1. Drill a small hole in the top of each of the wooden rounds. 
2. Paint lines, triangles or other geometric shapes on your wood rounds. I free-handed it (surprisingly!) but use tape if you want more precision.
3. Once your paint has dried, use your Sharpie to print your vegetable names on each label. Go over your writing with black acrylic paint if you want a bolder look.
4. Apply a layer of Mod Podge or a poly sealer over all sides of your label to protect it from the elements.

5. Cut your wire approximately 18 inches long. Make a small semi-circle for your wooden round to hang on and then make a large semi-circle in the opposite direction.
6. Plant your label in your garden with the straight part of your wire digging straight down into the soil